Saturday 30 May 2015

YBBF Challenge: Health and Wellbeing Detox

Most people seem to jump on the detox band wagon after a bit too much indulgence, which I understand. The body doesn't want any more excess yumminess. Usually, it's for a few days or even a few weeks but I am going to be doing this for six weeks. I will be eating real, wholesome food and not just juicing, taking cayenne pepper shots or whatever else is the new fad. 

This is not for weight loss reasons, although, I imagine that I will lose a bit of weight. This is so I feel completely healthy and well when I go on holiday. Having been advised to cut out sugar from my diet, having had some yucky viruses, I started to feel a whole lot better and returned to my normal self. However, I have slipped back into bad habits, which is natural when summer rolls around and prosecco is flowing! I am not one for limiting myself and not living life the way I want but the motivation of having the most amazing holiday and feeling good the whole time outweighs drinking and eating myself into oblivion for the next few weeks!

I don't know how strict I will be for every occasion. There are quite a few celebrations happening over June, so I will probably find the most healthy options and least sugary items, so that I still enjoy the celebratory atmosphere. 

I will be documenting my progress and if anyone wants to join in, please let us know via the comments, Instagram or Twitter. We would love to hear from you, see your progress, tips or just general motivation. Jen is going to be an excellent source of advice, as she is the master of eating healthily and yummily, so I will be calling on her for some new ideas and recipes. 

The thing that I am most looking forward to is having my energy levels completely back to normal. I cannot wait to be running around like an over excited child!


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